The FREE Project will be implemented in 4 partner countries (the UK, Greece, Spain, North Macedonia) where GB discrimination in school settings is a persistent challenge, with the use of a project web-platform designed and developed by Novel Group, the project partner from Luxemburg.
Unfortunately, in some cases, teachers are part of the problem. Plan International’s research across many parts of the world shows that teachers may abuse their position of power by engaging in psychological bullying of students, using violent
discipline, dispensing unacceptable, disrespectful attitudes, or even engaging in transactional sex
with girls in return for waiving school fees or giving better grades. At the same time, teachers are the
most important education resource globally. Additionally, female teachers are themselves vulnerable to violence and discrimination, experiencing harassment and abuse at the hands of students, fellow
teachers and school management. Often, teachers are frequently unable to speak out about violence,
either against them or against students, for fear of retribution.